Treating blocked out canines with no extractions ✖️
This patient presented with a blocked out upper-left canine, dental crowding, deep overbite, and a missing lower incisor. Due to the...

Comprehensive orthodontic treatment with extraction of 4️⃣ premolars
This case demonstrates what orthodontic treatment is all about: improving both esthetics & function, and truly making a difference in...

Comprehensive orthodontic treatment with clear braces and extraction of two upper premolars
This patient initially presented with an ectopic (Blocked out) upper right canine, severe deep overbite, increased overjet, class II...

Blocked out teeth, diastema, deep bite & and dental crowding correction with braces
This patient presented with a large upper diastema (Gap), deep overbite and dental crowding. If you notice in the first photo, the...