Dr. Jordan Nemes rated one of the TOP 3 best orthodontists in Montreal
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Nemes was recently named one of the top three best orthodontists in Montreal. As always, we strive on...

#Bracesoff for the summer!! 🙌
We have unveiled some beautiful smiles here at NemesOrtho over the last few weeks. Congrats to all our terrific patients for finishing...

Deep Overbite
Parents will often tell me that their child has a large overbite. Sometimes they are referring to overjet, which is the gap between the...

⭐️ Crossbite correction with Invisalign⭐️
This adult patient presented with dental crowding, flared teeth, a narrow upper arch & crossbites. A crossbite is when the lower teeth do...

Braces on for Benjamin!
We love this picture of Benjamin showing off his beautiful smile on his first day with braces! 😄

Phase 1 Ortho Treatment
We are so proud of Christian for finishing his phase 1️⃣ orthodontic treatment today. We get asked a lot to explain phase 1️⃣ treatments....
Nemes Ortho featured on West Island Mommies Website
We love this article introducing Nemes Ortho and our services to the West Island community. It was a pleasure talking to Tina, the...

⭐️October is Orthodontic Health Month⭐️
We love every opportunity to celebrate orthodontic health! There are many misconceptions about ortho - for example, that it’s mainly...

Treating blocked out canines with no extractions ✖️
This patient presented with a blocked out upper-left canine, dental crowding, deep overbite, and a missing lower incisor. Due to the...

Interceptive orthodontic treatment: Class III Underbite
This 11 year old patient initially presented with a class III skeletal malocclusion (underbite). He naturally occluded on his front...